Friday, September 24, 2010

Inter-squad game!

21.4 k to watch a red and white game!

Alex Auld in goal, Alex Picard on defence, Andre Kostitsen wants/will play against his old line mate Kovy. Jaques is libel to go to the wrong bench.

We better just go through the motions again or it's PK practice for 40 minutes or 4 goals which ever comes first.

But we get to see "Cave Man" Gryba and maybe even playing with Phillips...previewing your 2010/2011 shut down pair!

I hope Pascal doesn't make the Habs look too amateurish.

RDS has not confirmed but we trust 'em they cover every thing Habs.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't see or even listen to the game but I understand that Pascal didn't make the Habs look too amateurish. I also understand he got better as the game progressed so I have hope for the future.

    Did Gryba meet your expectations? I haven't got a feel for him yet.

