Tuesday, July 5, 2011


- This was a very good team hockey move...

- Zenon will put Rocco on the bench for the penalty kill...this is good.

- If Mr. Silfverberg (Jakob) can win the odd draw we shall go back to being one of the best in the league @ the face off dot!

- Konpka is a very under rated corner man..."The puck does not die with this man!"

- Skating improves every year...and that's saying something for the 30 year old.

- 6' 210 lbs "Best weight to power ratio on the team!" next to Alfie...

- Our kids are going to love the guy...he's a good man to go to war with!

- Carks, Neiler, ZacK and the Old 67's Captain will have those fast talkin' face washers thinkin' twice!!


  1. Please excuse KONPKA my computer will not let me correct spelling mistakes, heck it will not even let me post properly...the Geeks say it's not me...

  2. What Happens to Winchester?

  3. Winchester starts in Binghamton I'm afraid.

  4. Sorry Nik, I'm sure your spelling issues are due to "user error" (ha ha). Glad to see you posting again.
