Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Line that got away!

No ifs, ands or buts the best line @Training Camp was #71 Foligno, #43 Regin and #12 Fisher call them Second Line or Third it doesn't matter.

Now because of politics and/or money they will not get a chance together in the foreseeable future. The Caboose will require considerable leg strength to pull it. #41 must not be allowed to fail and fall from the top six at this time so to shield Bryan and Jonathon from this exposure, Cheechoo simply will not be placed in that position at this time!

The task of human engine, for our caboose, will fall to the robust derrieres and powerfull legs of Fish and the "Rookie" Regin. They shall be a team of work horses for a lot of games to come, carying many a lessor endowed team mate along the way!

Note: the task of not so much pulling but placing yourself in the positional track for Kovy will intially fall to Ryan Shannon and Nick Foligno. Alas by November Alf shall be ripped from Jason's line and placed with #26 and #71 because Danial can play anywhere and Kovy can't!

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