Monday, October 3, 2011

Brian Burke has to go...

Burkie has to go...

Brian Burke with his "Old Boy" truculence and tough guy stuff is influencing a lot of the old GMs (the Numbskulls) maybe even Bryan Murray (no) I'm pretty sure he is the ring leader of the "Circle your wagons group", who started the criticism and the rumors that Shanny should be reined in.

Brian Burke is a brutal GM with a terrible team...they are not even tough...the fruit of 4 years...

I don't like two DEFENCEMEN and one forward even if Mathew is with the Player's Association. It's like talking to Galley and York...

NOTE: MOST dangerous play in hockey, when you got the puck and you are being checked and distracted by a forchecker, the LURKER,  you don't see him, it's as if he's hiding behind a post, steps out and rips your unprotected head off!

Actually Shanny never had a chance it was all pre-season window dressing and when Shanahan started talking "fighting" to Peter Mansbridge (CBC) the curtain closed...

I feel sorry for Sid, how do you play in that League, cary the puck as much as he does and not mishandle, over skate or just lose the puck off your stick or recieve the old one-two like Campoli. If I were him I'd get one of those huge oversize concussion helmets (I usta wear a full suspension Riddell) and paint a big yellow 2" wide strip down the middle so the guy that hits Sid will know his career is over!

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