Monday, October 3, 2011


Shanny, ya dropped the ball but I guess it had to end sometime. Now we can declare "Open Season" on heads...we can imagine the pressure must have been enormous...ya gave it a heck of a shot but you came up one call short...

So Sid sit on the IR for a little while longer on Company Time because some hammerhead is goin' try to make a name for himself as you well know...

If Colie had even an opinion on this one the Montreal guys are going to "riot!"

I think it "stinks" ya blew the call!

Goin' in high...


Full/flush head shot...

Totally vulnerable puck carrier...

Note: to all puck not...I repeat don't misplay the puck or you are dead meat!

You remember the game "Keep away"  it now becomes "Give away and bail out!"

Recommended last second/nanosecond reaction save your brain dive into his legs with your shoulder...

Brendan, you have made the Numbskulls and their back room boys (the Owners), the Neanderthals and their groupies very relieved and may now move the studio to Tranna.

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