Sunday, September 18, 2011

Media questions!

Is Nick Kypreos really Joe Palooka?

Was Doug Maclean really a GM in the National Hockey League?

Does Don Brennan have a secret Murray or is he just winging it?

Does Bruce Garrioch ever ask a question that we don't already know the answer to?

Does Gordie Wilson put that on or is he always like that?

Does Dean want to go with Denis and join Kypreos for their new round table?

Does Denis trade in his SENs Red &Black and become an Islander when he goes to Tranna?

Is Wayne Scanlan really the smartest hockey guy in Ottawa that no one interviews?

Will Yorkie ever jump off the fence and start throwing some people under the bus?

Can Lloydie please do less football and more Senators?

Note: Hockey pucks and hockey broadcasters (Versage) talking football hurts my ears!

Ask me if I miss PM...ask TSN if they miss PM...ask anyone if they miss PM?

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