Saturday, October 17, 2009

Matt "the Chaperone!" Carkner

Carkner is a little older...more experienced.

Matt just takes care of business...specifically protecting Saint-Pascal; dispatching toughs and guys who thought they were tough; beating up arseholes and repaying old debts all at the same time and yes, looking after "Plus" Picard, who is playing super hockey, on account of the "Chaperone's" presence but also providing Matt with much needed structure and positional play.

In case you haven't noticed they are leading the DEFENCE in every catagory, as the coaches have recognized this and are using them more and more in all situations.

PS: To D. Brennan..."Big Country" was a brutal Basketball Player...don't try to hang it on the "Chaperone!"

1 comment:

  1. Against Atlanta, a bunch of fans sitting in section 104 or so were wearing Picard jerseys and I took a picture to post for you.

    I have been more impressed with Carkner than Picard, but I can see why Picard has upside.

    He is smarter than Lee and skilled. He needs to stop making mental erros though!!!!

    I like guys like Carkner - no nonsense, get out of my way or I'll smash you, tough guy... The Sens have needed that for a very long time. A guy like McGrattan was a liability while Carkner is a real player. A great addition to the team.

